Look at the small details of craftsmanship when you really want to measure the worth of a builder. It’s there that their commitment to quality will really stand out.

At Belpark Homes, our attention has always been on the details.... and our pride of workmanship has always been reflected in the design and construction of every project we undertake.

For more than 31 years, Belpark’s pursuit of excellence has be evident in a steady stream of successful residential and commercial developments in which the company has normally been involved in both the land development and the actual construction.

With a variety of housing styles ranging from townhomes to country estates, you’ll find Belpark communities across Southern Ontario.

Belpark Homes has built an extensive commercial and industrial portfolio, with prestige office complexes and business parks. In each and every case, their hands-on management style has ensured the highest level of customer service and satisfaction.

Now, Belpark Homes is once again meeting the demands of today’s discerning home buyer by creating a collection of fine homes where the pride will surely be in the owning.